
Founded in 2018 by Semyon Nisenzon, the Company's innovative technology generates fast, accurate and high-resolution depth maps using multi-resolution camera clusters and an innovative hierarchical depth calculation process that can reduce computing complexity by 20x. Actual performance increase is in log2 proportion, which allows Cluster Imaging to economically produce unprecedented quality Depth Maps. This is more accurate 3D information than any other solution on the market.



The patented definition of a “Multi-resolution Camera Cluster” is “a set of cameras, including a high resolution central camera surrounded by multiple cameras of the same or lower resolution, positioned around the central camera and forming special radial directional patterns along the epipolar lines in order to facilitate the generation of high quality depth maps”. The patent protects the use of such multi- resolution camera clusters for distance determination. Depth Maps are the next-generation foundation technology: They serve as input to advanced AI systems, enabling efficient image element isolation and visual space identification. Depth information will enable new frontiers in automotive, robotics, logistics, agriculture, and industrial markets (e.g., construction). The Company has proven the technology in two prototypes (DSLR and Automotive) and secured the intellectual property with four issued patents.


Cluster imaging 14 bits Depth Map is the most accurate solution on
the market.